How to fix redactions not lining up when cutting a file


How to fix redactions not lining up when cutting a file


My file redactions are not correct when I apply a cut. This issue is due to the cut and redaction feature being unable to be used simultaneously.

Follow these steps to fix your file redactions!

  • Open the non-exported file with the redaction and the cut.
    • Follow the steps in this article to apply a cut.


  • Right-click the cut segment on the audio wave and select “Delete” to delete the cut from the audio wave.


  • Once the cut is deleted, apply any other redactions needed and then click “Export” in the top right of CaseGuard.
  • Now that the file has been exported, open the newly exported file and apply any needed cuts.
  • Once the cuts have been applied export the video again.

Your video should now be redacted with your specified cuts applied. If you still need support please contact [email protected].