Transcription Panel


Transcription Panel

The Transcription panel in CaseGuard Studio streamlines the process of transcribing audio and video files, making it easy to generate accurate text transcripts. Automatic Transcription, available within the panel, can complete the process within 2 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the file’s length. Once you initiate automatic transcription, you can monitor the progress by checking the scheduled tasks (View –> View Scheduled tasks).


Transcription Tools: Top Panel Tools:


To learn more about these tools, please see this transcribe and redact audio using AI.

  • Find Previous: Click this icon find previous to locate the previous instance of your search query in the transcript.
  • Find Next: Click this icon find next to find the next instance of your search query in the transcript.
  • Mute All Search Results: Click this icon Mute to mute all search results matching your query.
  • Bleep All Search Results: Click this icon Bleep to bleep all search results matching your query.
  • Change Voice All Search Results: Click this icon Resample to Change the pitch of all search results matching your query.

Bottom Tools:

Bottom tools

  • Increase/Decrease font size: Click this icon Increase/Decrease-font-icon to adjust the font size of your transcript in the Transcription panel.
  • Transcription Statistics: Click this icon Statistics icon to see the statistics of the transcription.
  • Attach Transcription File: Click this icon Attach transcription to add an external transcript to the CaseGuard file.
  • Automatic Translation: Click this icon Automatic translation to translate your transcript into another target language.
  • Burn Captions to File: Click this icon Burn captions to add captions from your transcript to a video, useful for closed captioning.