How to easily whitelist CaseGuard's Transcription


How to easily whitelist CaseGuard’s Transcription

Use Case

When attempting to perform automatic transcription on my audio file, the progress bar freezes and the red triangle at the top of CaseGuard lights up red.

Follow these steps to whitelist CaseGuard’s Transcription feature for your network!

  • First, navigate to Tools -> Settings inside of CaseGuard.
  • From the Settings select Transcription on the left.
  • Inside the transcription window, select the Transcription Region drop-down and ensure you have the region nearest to you selected. Please ensure all users within your agency have selected the same region.

CaseGuard's transcription settings window

  • Once the correct region is selected, close CaseGuard Studio. Make note of the region you select, it will be needed in the whitelist process.
  • Now that the correct region has been selected, the next step is to whitelist the AWS region domain the transcription uses.
  • Please navigate to your firewall manager or proxy manager and create a whitelist for the region you selected by using one of the following domains. To whitelist your selected domain you will need to create an exception to allow traffic to and from this domain.
    • GovCloud (US-WEST): https://*
    • US West (Oregon): https://*
    • US EAST (N. Virginia): https://*
    • US East (Ohio): https://*
    • Asia Pacific (Mumbai): https://*
    • Asia Pacific (Seoul): https://*
    • Asia Pacific (Singapore): https://*
    • Asia Pacific (Sydney): https://*
    • Asia Pacific (Tokyo): https://*
    • Canada (Central): https://*
    • Europe (Frankfurt): https://*
    • Europe (Ireland): https://*
    • Europe (London): https://*

Once the domains have been whitelisted, please re-open CaseGuard and re-run the transcription. If you are still having issues, please email [email protected] to get a quick solution to your problem.