How to redact any video in CaseGuard Studio


How to redact any video in CaseGuard Studio

Redact any video

You can redact any video in CaseGuard studio using one of three modes:

    • Manual Redaction
      • Draw an effect on the object you would like to redact. This option is best for shorter videos or specific objects that cannot be automatically redacted.
    • Object Tracking
      • A manual redaction feature that tracks and follows the movement of an object that you have selected by drawing a shape over it, whether it’s a face, a sign, or any other identifiable object.
    • Automatic Detection
      • An advanced feature that enhances the workflow of users by using AI Automatic Redaction to instantly redact any of the nine objects available in CaseGuard.

If you would like to learn more about CaseGuard’s Video Redaction please see our Video Redaction section!

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