The Best Way to Quickly Revert to a Previous File Version


The Best Way to Quickly Revert to a Previous File Version

Use Case

Have you ever wanted to return to a previous version of your CaseGuard project due to a change in the request or a mistake made? In this article, we will cover how to quickly and easily return to an older version of your file.

Follow these steps to return to a previous version of your file!

There are two ways to recover your work inside of CaseGuard, the first way is the quickest by using the undo and redo feature. Please note you can only undo or redo the last 10 actions, this method is best for recently done mistakes.

  • On the project you are currently working on press ctrl + Z to undo your most recent actions.
  • To redo your actions press ctrl + Y.
  • You can also access the Undo and Redo by selecting Edit at the top left of your CaseGuard.
    • If you close your CaseGuard or project you will not be able to Undo or Redo actions done before CaseGuard was closed.


The next method to return to your work is best for mistakes that were made over 10 actions ago or done a while ago. We will use the File Revision tool located in the left toolbar. By default, CaseGuard saves a version of your work every 10 minutes. By using the File Revisions you can return to one of these versions of your file.

  • First, open the file you would like to return to a previous version of.
  • Once the file is open select File Revisions from your left toolbar.


  • Once selected the File Revision window will open. From the File Revisions window select the “Go back to this history file” icon to return to a previous version of your file.
    • You can always return to the current version you are on.


Once you return to a previous version of your file you can continue your work like normal. If you are still having issues, please email [email protected] to get a quick solution to your problem.