Use Case
The audio redactions I apply from my analytics panel to very small redactions do not always fully cover the words. Is it possible to make these redactions longer?
In this guide, we will walk you through how to adjust your audio redaction margins when redactions are applied from the analytics panel. With just a few simple adjustments, you can ensure that all your audio redactions fully cover the necessary content and optimize your workflow.
Follow these steps to adjust your analytics panel audio redaction margins!
- Launch your CaseGuard application and locate the Tools option in the top menu bar. Click on it to reveal a drop-down menu with several configuration options.
- From the drop-down menu under Tools, click on Settings. This will open the Settings window, where you can access various customization options to make CaseGuard work more efficiently for your specific needs.

- Within the Settings window, focus your attention on the left-hand menu. Scroll through the available categories and select Transcription. This section contains all the default settings related to transcription and analytics within CaseGuard.

- After selecting Transcription, the corresponding settings window will appear. Here, you can view and customize audio redaction margins. We recommend customizing and then testing your new margins to ensure they fully redact what is needed. If you ever need to make any adjustments you can easily return to your settings.
- Use the Start Time Margin if you notice when redacting from your analytics panel the first part of the word or phrase is being missed.
- If you notice the last part of the word or phrase is being missed then use the End Time Margin.
- Once you’ve configured your Audio Redaction Margins, simply close the Settings window to save your changes automatically. These adjustments will now be applied any time you perform audio redactions from the analytics panel.
If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about customizing your Audio Redactions Margins, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our support team is always ready to assist and provide quick solutions to ensure your workflow remains smooth. Simply email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help.
By following these steps, you’ll not only save time but also streamline your redaction process, ensuring CaseGuard is fully optimized for your agency’s needs!