How to: The Best Way to Easily Bulk Install CaseGuard Studio

With the CaseGuard 9.5 release, we have created the CaseGuard Hub. This allows you to manage TeamSpaces, manage users in CaseGuard, and perform bulk installations. In this article, we will be going over the steps to perform bulk installations for your organization. Typically this should be done with the administrators for your organization. 

The first thing we need to do is install CaseGuard Studio 9.5 please follow this article to download the latest version.

Next, we will need to install the CaseGuard Hub. This will be available on the download page for CaseGuard Studio. If you need help accessing the download page please reference this article. Once you have accessed the download page for CaseGuard Studio, log in with your credentials and you will see the option to download CaseGuard Hub 1.5. Click on the blue button and an exe will start downloading.


Go ahead and open the exe when the installation is complete. Once you have done so a setup wizard will appear. Click on next on the bottom right to continue with the installation.


Once you click next, you must agree to the terms and conditions. Then, go ahead and click on Install.


The wizard will begin downloading CaseGuard Hub, once it is done it will give you the prompt below. Click on finish and CaseGuard Hub will open.


Once the CaseGuard Hub is open you will be greeted with 3 options. TeamSpace Server, License Management, and Bulk Software Installation. Let’s select Bulk Software Installation to begin.


A new window will appear displaying detected computers and their IP addresses. I have redacted my computers and IP addresses for security purposes.


If computers do not appear, ensure Network Discovery is enabled. You can do this by searching “Settings” within your search bar and then clicking on Network & internet. Once you are on that page scroll down until you see “Advanced Network Settings”.


Now that you have “selected advanced network” settings please scroll down until you see “advanced sharing settings”

Once you have selected advanced sharing settings you will be able to find the “Network Discovery” option at the top. Be sure that this option is turned on and you will be able to find other devices through the hub.


To manually add a computer, click the Add Computer button on the top left.


Enter the IP address, and select Test Connection, then Add


Now that you have learned how to add computers to your list you should have a list of computers on your left-hand side. Click on the check box on the bottom left then click on the + button next to the check box.


To perform a bulk installation you will need to log in with your CaseGuard credentials to make any changes. This login must be an administrative account for you to do a bulk installation. 


Now that you have logged in with your admin credentials we can select all machines at the top left or select them individually with the check box to each machine. Select the machines you would like to perform these operations on.

Now, at the bottom toolbar, we can select the bulk installation option listed below.

Once you click on the bulk installation button a new window will appear. At the top, you will need to locate the installation exe for CaseGuard Studio. Usually, this can be found in your downloads folder. Once you have agreed to the terms.

  • You will have the option to install CaseGuard for all users or for a single user.
  • For the installation method, you can choose to perform the operation automatically or generate a script to run manually.


Once you have those settings configured go ahead and click the next button on the bottom right to proceed. 


The next window will allow you to select the setup type. The most popular option will be the typical install.

  • Typical Install
  • Custom Install
  • Complete Install

Now your bulk installation will start processing. It will bring you back to the main hub where you will be able to see the status of the bulk installation.


If you click the operations history button on the top right it will bring you to another window where you can check the status of your download.


The window will look like the screenshot below. Here you can check the operation type, progress, time of request, and the time completed.


Once you are done, you will see the installation completion status and your multiple installations will be complete. If you have any issues with this process please feel free to reach out to [email protected] and we will be happy to help.