Automatic Audio Redaction
September 30, 2019 | 5 minutes read
One of the most common factors in regard to FOIA requests that contain audio and video files is the need for audio redaction in those files. For law enforcement agencies, things like driver’s license numbers, names, dates of birth, addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, and other personal identification information (PII) are just a few pieces of information that need to be redacted in order to satisfy the request, be it for dissemination to the media, members of the public, or court.
These days, the name of the game is getting work done quickly, because we know there’s going to be even more work on the other end of this single project. The question becomes how do we speed up this specific task so that the most common need becomes the easiest to service?
Introducing Studio Analytics
CaseGuard Studio has been revamped to include a robust analytics package. We’re not only supplying software that provides in-depth manual tools, and some common automated tools. We’ve now added an analytics component that analyzes every file, producing multiple layers of results that can be used to enhance or redact the file with precision care, and deeper results that simply can’t be replicated in other software programs.
Our analytics tools are breaking down files to absolute pure building blocks, and when it comes to audio redaction, we’re making it so easy to identify the words being spoken in real-time, by producing documents of all the dialogue, so you can find the PII throughout the file, apply very quick redaction of your choice, and finish the task in minutes, rather than hours.
The analytics files can be used to keyword search, to search by format (i.e. numbers), or search by common parameters that you enter into CaseGuard Studio, which will always be listed every time you insert a new file into the software.
How Does Analytics Work?
Analytics are accomplished through the analysis of the file, upon adding it to CaseGuard Studio. As always, CaseGuard Studio authenticates the source and content of the file, and works from the original, creating a child file.
With the addition of analytics, it adds data files that become permanently associated with the project. Text files that present dialogue formats, keyword analysis, word counts, and word usage. These files serve as an in-depth “backbone” to the file, showing in clear, concise language what content is in the file. It provides the most valuable information at your fingertips, for convenient searching, relationship analysis, as well as giving you the power to associate certain words and terms with intelligence reports, criminal associations, and many other linkage options that you find to be important.
These files become part of the entire project, and can follow the child file, or stay put, all dependent on what you decide. The advantage is that once a file has been worked on, you can return to the project and simply review the data file for the work that was done, and be able to say with full confidence that the work that was done was done the way the data files document.
The advantage is two-fold. One, all necessary audio redaction is done following the data file’s analytics results. Two, in reviewing the file at a later date, anyone can do that work without having familiarity with the file and the work, because the data files contain any answers, they would ever need to supply to third parties.
And did we mention application? Once you’ve selected the audio that needs to be redacted, a simple highlight and click applies redaction to the selected audio, using the tools and data files that are in place, making your work succinct, while allowing minimal effort to accomplish the task at hand.
Not only does this reduce associated costs for redaction and enhancement tasks, this also reduces time expended on the work, review, and compliance. No longer do people need to be experts on file analysis, or manually re-check the work of others.
Those are costs that almost never can be reduced, but we found a way at CaseGuard.
Automatic Audio Redaction in CaseGuard Studio
Analytics are employed from the outset of placing a file into CaseGuard Studio. The analysis works in tandem with the authentication and loading of the file(s), and then begins producing those files. If you never use them, have no fear. The files simply add additional methods of authenticating a given file and content, and follows the project to its final storage destination, ready to be accessed whenever a question arises. The data files that are created can be used to roadmap throughout the file, to create workflow efficiencies, to pinpoint areas of work, to create task lists, and to make it simpler to find where work is needed, and where it is not needed. The data files are further used to enhance your audit trails, your change of custody reports, and document every touch of the file throughout the process, without bothering you for input.
Watch in Action
CaseGuard is solving your problems, automating processes, and providing ways to legitimize the work being done for your files. Whether it’s civil court, criminal court, arbitration, or “mere” public requests, CaseGuard Studio is literally your all-in-one tool to get the redaction work done, the projects out the door, and keep your costs way down so your records staff can be a well-oiled machine, keeping compliance issues in check, and meeting the deadlines of the day.
Automatic audio redaction is just one more tool answering the modern call of duty in public safety.