How To Defend Teachers Against Volatile Student Violence

How To Defend Teachers Against Volatile Student Violence

A crisis is being underreported in this country. Teachers and school staff members across the country are being assaulted by students in schools, classrooms, and hallways. Federal and state regulations are in place to protect students’ safety and privacy; but the policies regarding protecting educators are failing.

When a student of any age attempts to commit a battery, threatens battery, or puts educators in a position of feeling reasonable fear of battery it is assault. According to the criminal justice system, the same definitions apply to students as to adults. Battery can be defined as purposely using force or violence on another person or deliberately attempting to poison by use of a noxious substance or other liquid or drug. This is how battery is defined for criminal purposes. For civil purposes, it can be any physical contact without consent.

Statistics on Teacher Assault

Recently, police in the Atlanta public school district were called to investigate an assault on a teacher.  Another student filmed the assault with their cell phone and posted the video on Instagram. The film shows the teacher attempting to prevent a 9th-grade male student from starting a fight with another student. The student then turned his anger on the teacher, pouncing, and began punching the teacher repeatedly in the head. Within seconds, other educators were able to pull the violent student off the teacher. However, it did not prevent serious injury or time spent in the hospital recovering.

While school safety programs exist, most programs that are centered around violence prevention are concerned with student safety. The safety of educators is largely overlooked. When someone thinks of a dangerous career to pursue, many first think of military, law enforcement, or construction. Teaching is not the first thing to come to mind, yet there is an issue to be addressed.

He indicated that in his school he has seen bloodied teachers, injured backs, and broken ribs. What do we know about violence against teachers?

Safety Protocols & Video Surveillance

Schools in the past have attempted to keep information on on-campus violence out of the news. This is due to its effects on student registration. They want to keep up the current student count to maintain the level of federal, state, and local funding that they need to run their day-to-day services. When schools experience violence on a large scale it often leads to a decrease in attendance as parents move their children out of the district to safer environments.

However, in light of the ever-increasing number of student assaults on teachers, the education systems nationwide have no choice but to start responding. The focus should be on school-wide safety protocols that protect both the students and staff from any form of violence on school grounds. Many schools have opted to install video surveillance in public areas and classrooms as an additional monitoring source and to help curb the onset of violence. Students knowing that their actions will be recorded on video as evidence, will often think twice before reacting.

Real Schools, Real Solutions

The Guilford County Schools in NC are instituting training for their educators and staff members called Social-Emotional Learning. The idea is that when there is a caring relationship between two individuals, violence is less likely to occur. Minnesota attempted to put forward a bill to automatically expel students who threatened or attempted bodily harm against any educator or staff member for up to one year. This bill was in response to a student assault that left a teacher with traumatic brain injury. However, the bill failed to pass.

Other Minnesota schools have enacted the REACH program. REACH stands for Relationships, Education, Accountability, Character, and Hard Work. It is offered as an elective course for students in grades 7 – 12, teaching accountability. Schools that offer this type of program feel that it works better than zero-tolerance programs that hinder student learning.

Release of Information

Another issue highlighted by assaults on teachers and staff is the ability to access student records. Currently, students’ rights to privacy are protected under law by the US Department of Education. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a legal guideline to protect student privacy; but does not extend to educators or staff.

Generally, the teacher that has been assaulted, must follow through by writing a referral or complaint to the school. This can also be followed up by criminal charges. For workmen’s compensation, staff must fill out an accident report and clearly define the actions of the student and how the injury occurred; be it a physical assault or mental abuse. The schools are mandated to provide paid sick leave while under treatment or doctor’s care for the assault. Teachers may choose to file criminal charges against the student. Or they can file a civil suit against the parents of the student for damages.

Even though the educator has been assaulted, gaining access to the student’s record may require a court order or subpoena. The teacher’s access to the student’s records may not fall under “educational requirements.” FERPA has specific laws that schools must follow before releasing any personally identifiable information on students, even in light of criminal investigations.

Students’ Rights a Priority

When dealing with these types of assaults against teachers, many different agencies can become involved. There are reports to be made by the teacher who was assaulted, witnesses, and any evidence such as surveillance footage. Law enforcement, parents, courts, and other parties may want copies of the student’s records as well as any information regarding the assault. Regardless of the charges, federal rulings protect the privacy of the student.

Even in a crisis intervention situation, the school must comply with FERPA guidelines. And by using a quality redaction system, compliance can be made simple.

Complying With FERPA

Penalties for non-compliance with the US Department of Education’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) can be severe. A single violation can cost the school their entire federal funding for the following year. Although an assault on staff members would be defined as a matter of immediate safety concern under the FERPA guidelines, it would be in the best policy for the school to manage the paper trail of the student’s record for security purposes.

FERPA specifies under which guidelines any information can be released and to whom. The following guidelines apply for releasing student data when an assault occurs:

Having multiple staff members and administrators trained to use the redaction software system will ensure that requests for information will be handled promptly. Many times, when information is requested, there are legally mandated periods in which the school has to respond. CaseGuard Studio follows guidelines set forth for privacy laws, including those mandated by FERPA and law enforcement making it easy for school resource officers, teachers, and law enforcement to work together to redact (obscure) documents, audio, and video data.

Protecting Teachers & Staff

Teachers have rights when attacked by students.

Schools must be prepared to deal with the idea that surveillance and video data regarding student behavior will indeed have to be maintained for the safety of the school, staff members, and other students. The footage obtained by continued monitoring of the school grounds can catch behaviors that may otherwise be missed. During security duties, this footage can be reviewed by the administration with their school resource officer or local law enforcement.

Taking violence seriously has to be made a priority by districts in protecting both students and staff members. A school district can be held legally liable in a civil suit for the injuries or deaths of victims of school violence. Federal statute 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (Section 1983) allows citizens monetary damages under certain circumstances. Teachers and staff often fear reacting to students for the same law, as they can be held financially responsible as well. If their acts are deemed lawful, as, under their duties by a government entity, a representative of the school, administration, teachers, and staff can fall under qualified immunity

With so many avenues that can go wrong when trying to keep students and staff safe, the administration’s last worry should be about how to maintain records and receive additional penalties for not having a protocol in place. Schools should sit down with their school resource officer and other appropriate team members to do a Student Threat Assessment and Response program.

By stepping through possible scenarios, the route of student data can be planned out so that errors are not made. Staff can be assigned duties for redacting (blacking out) data; the administration can review the redactions and sign off on a list of individuals to whom the data can be released. Planning for the worst makes compliance in crises simpler, and CaseGuard Studio makes it even easier.

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