CaseGuard Studio, new GSA Multiple Award Schedule

CaseGuard Studio, new GSA Multiple Award Schedule

As of January 2022, the team at CaseGuard Studio is proud to announce that we have been awarded a Multiple Award Schedule contract by the General Services Administration or GSA. As the GSA is the primary marketplace for the selling of products and services to employees of the U.S. federal government, we are very excited about the new opportunities that this award will bring in as it concerns meeting the redaction and enhancements needs of our various clients within the federal government. What’s more, all clients that purchase our software via the GSA marketplace will also receive a 16% discount on their purchase. As is the case with any major achievement, the procurement of a GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contract is a painstaking and rigorous process that can take several months if not years to complete.

How did CaseGuard Studio receive a GSA Multiple Award Schedule contract?

Any business or organization that is looking to sell its respective products or services via the GSA marketplace is required to first submit an application for approval. In terms of business operations and functionality, the GSA uses schedules as the primary mechanism for the buying and selling of goods, products, and services to the various branches of the federal government. As stated by the GSA, a “GSA Schedule BPA is an agreement established by a customer with a GSA Schedule contractor to fill repetitive needs for supplies or services.” As the benefits of selling products and services via a marketplace that caters exclusively to U.S. government officials and employees are all but evident, being awarded a GSA Multiple Award Schedule is by no means an easy task.

When deciding on whether to award a particular business a GSA Multiple Award Schedule, the GSA will take numerous different factors into consideration. These factors include the financial stability of a particular business, the period of time in which the business has been operating, and a history of having sold products and services commercially, among pertinent information. Furthermore, the GSA also awards best in class or BIN designations to certain businesses, as these solutions are designed to reduce the amount of time that a particular government agency spends when looking to purchase a product or service. To this point, in addition to a GSA Multiple Award Schedule, CaseGuard Studio was also awarded a best in class special item number(SIN) 511210, which pertains to software licenses.

How did CaseGuard Studio obtain a best-in-class special item number or SIN?

In addition to the criteria that all businesses must comply with when submitting an application to the GSA Multiple Award Schedule program, businesses seeking a best-in-class special item number will need to fulfill further requirements to ensure that the products being offered to the government are indeed at the top of their class with respect to all relevant competition. With this being said, as stated by the GSA, “Best-in-Class solutions are vetted, well-managed, and recommended — and in some cases required — for use.” Moreover, the GSA awards Multiple Award Schedule contracts in accordance with a tier system that was established by the Office of Business and Management or OMB.

This tier system was created for the purpose of maximizing the time and resources that government agencies spend when searching for new solutions or products within a particular business or industry. This tier system ranges from 0 to 3, with 0 representing products and services that are not in line with OMB’s category management principles, and 3 representing best-in-class solutions. Through this tier system, the federal government is able to effectively discern which products and services are the most appropriate and efficient, with the goal of making better-informed business decisions. As such, products and services that are awarded a best-in-class special item number or SIN are also guaranteed to receive a certain level of business from government agencies.

How can clients go about purchasing CaseGuard Studio through the GSA marketplace?

Clients looking to purchase CaseGuard Studio through the GSA marketplace can do through direct links to CaseGuard Studio’s page on the marketplace, as well as by entering CaseGuard Studio into the search bar of the GSA advantage website under the products tab. Moreover, CaseGuard Studio also sells training hours via the GSA marketplace, which includes both online and in-person sessions, for clients who may need assistance with taking full advantage of all of the various features that our software has to offer. Additionally, clients that are interested in purchasing additional transcription hours can also do so through the GSA marketplace.

The team at CaseGuard Studio has spent years fine-tuning our software in accordance with the latest trends in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our cutting-edge automatic redaction software program is specifically designed to reduce the amount of time and effort that clients need to exert when looking to redact or enhance a video, audio, image, email, or PDF file. As being awarded a GSA Multiple Award Schedule and best-in-class special item number is just one of the many steps along the road to making redaction accessible to all consumers, we will continue to work to develop state of the art software that meets the intersection of the direct needs of our clients, as well technological advancement.

Happy Redaction!

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