Utilizing AI Detection for Efficient Video Redaction in Redaction Studio

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How to merge videos from different angles into one video and apply redactions

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Using AI Detection for Video Redaction in Redaction Studio

  1. Access AI Detection:
    • Select the “AI Detection” icon (smiley face) in the video section of the Toolbar on the right side of the screen.
  2. Select Items for Detection:
    • In the “AI Detection” window, choose items for detection and redaction: faces, screens, license plates, papers, people, vehicles, checks, and/or signatures.
  3. Configure Redaction Settings:
    • Select the shape for your redaction box.
    • Choose a redaction or enhancement effect from the dropdown menu.
    • Adjust the intensity of the effect using the level bar.
    • Choose between “Standard,” “Reverse,” or “Full Frame” redaction as shown in the Preview box.
  4. Redaction Reason:
    • Apply a Redaction Reason using the “Reason” dropdown. Add a new reason if needed by clicking the plus sign.
    • The chosen reason will appear in the “Exemption Log” under the “Print Reports” section.
  5. Select Detection Range:
    • Click “Next.”
    • Decide whether to run AI Automatic Detection on the “Whole File” or a “Selected Range.”
    • For “Selected Range,” specify start and end times using the play bar or enter exact frames/times from the “Metrics” dropdown.
  6. Apply Redaction:
    • Click “Next” and then “Apply” if no Advanced Options are needed.

Advanced Options

  • Audio Redaction:
    • Add mute, bleep, or change voice effects to audio. Include a redaction reason if desired.
  • Classification and Performance:
    • Check “Classify Results” to unredact specific objects; uncheck to group similar objects for faster processing (about 70% faster).
  • Video Type and Confidence Level:
    • Check options for 360 video, 4K, 8K, or Drone Footage.
    • Adjust confidence percentage (default 20%) to suit lighting conditions and reduce false positives.
  • Scheduling and Templates:
    • Schedule tasks for large files using the “Scheduled” option.
    • Save settings as a template for similar videos with “Save as Template.”
  1. Begin Redaction:
    • Click “Apply” to start automatic detection and redaction.

Viewing Modes

  • Edit Mode: Default mode showing redactions outlined with a red line.
  • Edit Mode (View): Displays redactions as transparent with a red outline.
  • Preview Mode: Shows how the exported file will look.
  1. Finalize Redactions:
    • Once satisfied with the redactions, select “Save” and then “Export.”