Navigating Panels and Tools in CaseGuard Studio

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Streamlining Project Management in CaseGuard Studio

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Workspace Overview

  • Default Panels:
    • Upon opening CaseGuard Studio, the “Project Files Panel” and “Task List” are pinned by default on the right side of your Workspace.
    • Icons for these panels turn blue when pinned, and hovering over them displays the panel’s name.
  • Managing Panels:
    • Click any icon to pin or un-pin the panel.
    • Use arrows to expand the tab and view panel icons.
    • Panels adjust based on the file type added to CaseGuard for ease of use.
    • Without a file, available panels include Project Files Panel, Task List, File Log Panel, File Information Panel, and Watcher Panel.
    • Pin or un-pin a panel using the “pin” icon at the top right corner, the corresponding panel icon, or by expanding the list of available panels.

Tool Properties and Tool Bar

  • Tool Properties Panel:
    • Initially blank without a file added; populates based on selected tools from the Tool Bar.
  • Tool Bar:
    • Located on the left side; options vary depending on the file type added to CaseGuard Studio.

Adjusting Workspace

  • Panel Size:
    • Adjust panel sizes by clicking and dragging on the double lines, useful for smaller monitors.

Shortcuts Bar

  • Located at the top of your Workspace, it allows you to:
    • Create or open projects
    • Add files
    • Save work
    • Create Albums
    • Use Redaction Pool
    • Begin Bulk Processing
    • Download videos from YouTube
    • Use CaseGuard Screen Recorder
    • View diagnostic reports
    • Revert to previous history files
    • View automatically generated reports
    • See scheduled tasks

Video File Handling

  • Additional Panels:
    • Adding a video introduces Object Detection Panel, Transcription Panel, Analytics Panel, and Translation Panel.
  • Recommended Setup:
    • Pin “Object Detection Panel” when working with videos.
  • Panel Management via Menu:
    • Use “View” menu > “Panels” > select “Object Detection Panel” to pin/un-pin.

Redaction Tools

  • Tool Properties for Redaction:
    • Defaults to Manual Redaction options; adjusts based on selected tool (e.g., Cut).
  • Object Detection:
    • Redacted objects appear in Object Detection Panel for both Manual and AI Automatic Redaction.
  • Object Detection Features:
    • Disable redaction with “eye” icon.
    • Lock redaction with “lock” icon.
    • View object frames with four arrows icon.
    • Use “target” icon for “Go to Position” feature.

Audio and Document Handling

  • Audio Redactions:
    • Pin “Transcription Panel” and “Analytics Panel.”
    • Pin “Translation Panel” if translating audio.
  • Document Files:
    • Video/audio-specific panels are removed; Pages Panel appears instead.