Cut and Drop Segments | CaseGuard Studio Training Course

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Video Editing Tools in CaseGuard Studio

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the CaseGuard Studio training course. In this video, we will cover two video editing tools in CaseGuard: cutting video and dropping segments.

Cut Video

Cutting video is useful when you have a long video but only need a specific part of it. For instance, if the main event of a one-hour video occurs within the first 10 minutes, you can easily cut those 10 minutes using CaseGuard Studio.

  1. Create a Project: Name your project “video-editing-tools.”
  2. Add Video: From the project files panel, add the video you want to cut.
  3. Open Cut Media Tool: Click on the Cut media button (scissors icon) on the left-hand side of your workspace. This opens the cut audio panel at the bottom.

Remember: Cutting video indicates the part you want to KEEP. You can only make one cut, as it’s the segment you want to retain.

Methods to Cut Video

  • Input Time Points: Enter start and end times directly.
  • Capture Start and End Time: Play your video, click “Capture Start Time” when the desired segment begins, and “Capture End Time” when it ends. Then click “Cut Segment.”
  • Press and Hold: Use this method to capture start and end times.
  • Audio Wave Method: Click “show/hide audio wave,” highlight the part of the audio wave corresponding to the video segment you want to keep, and select “Cut Segment.”

After selecting your cut, go to the task list, click save (ensure only cut media is in the task list), and then click export. Your cut video will appear under the project files panel.

Drop Segments

Drop segments allow you to remove segments from your video—essentially DELETE them.

  1. Delete Previous Cuts: Remove any previous cuts from your task list and audio wave.
  2. Open Drop Segments Tool: Click on the drop segments button (knife icon) on the left-hand toolbar to open the drop segments panel at the bottom.

Remember: Drop segments allow you to DELETE parts of a video. You can drop multiple segments within this feature.

  • Select segments to drop by clicking “drop segment” for each one.
  • Once you’ve dropped desired segments, go to your task list (ensure only drop segments is in it), click save, and then process/export.

The resulting video will appear under your project files panel. Play both videos to see the difference:

  • Cut Video: Includes only the part you chose to keep.
  • Drop Segment Video: Excludes parts you chose to delete.


  • Cutting Video: Used for keeping specific parts.
  • Dropping Segments: Used for deleting specific parts.

Ensure that only “cut video” or “drop segments” tasks are in your task list before saving and exporting. Once exported, you’re ready to perform redactions. That’s all for this session! In the next video, we’ll cover CaseGuard’s more advanced features. See you there!