Different Types of Image Files, New Business Applications

Different Types of Image Files, New Business Applications

While many online users will have seen GIFs in the form of social media memes and jokes, there are a variety of different image file types that can be used in a multitude of applications. As business professionals will need to send and receive image files during the course of their numerous job responsibilities, such as redacting personal information from images, choosing the file type that is right for the task at hand is of the utmost importance. What’s more, as certain software programs will only be compatible with certain types of files, understanding the different types of images files that are available to online users enables said users to make the most efficient use of their time and resources. With this being said, five common types of image file types include JPEG or JPG, GIFS, SVG, PNG, and TIFF or TIFF.

Joint Photographic Experts Group

Joint photographic experts group, also known as JPEG or JPG, is one of the most commonly used image file types around the world today. This file type has become so widely used due to the fact that JPEG images can be compressed while simultaneously maintaining the colors and graphics within a particular image. As such, online users that are looking to easily send or receive image files can use JPEG images without having to face too much hassle. Nevertheless, JPEG files will continue to compress if the file has been saved numerous times, a fact that consumers will need to consider when making use of this image file type.

Graphics Interchange Format

Graphics interchange format, also known as GIF for short, is perhaps the most widely known image file type around the world today. Any millennial or younger person will have undoubtedly seen GIFs when using social media websites, as the file can be used to create short video clips and moving images. GIFs are ideal for small and simply animated file types, as users can easily send and receive GIF files without compromising the quality of graphics within the image. However, as GIFs do not have much application within the professional business world, many online users will more than likely utilize other image file types when looking to complete job-specific assignments.

Scalable Vector Graphics

Scalable vector graphics, also known as SVG, is the most common type of image file type used in website design. When consumers see a logo or large graphic image while browsing a company website, these images will more than likely be in SVG form. To this point, the file type also supports short animations and smaller image files, while also maintaining the resolution of these images. Moreover, as the SVG file type also works incredibly well with popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo, it is ideal for use in the professional business world.

Portable Network Graphics

Portable network graphics, also known as PNGs, are another popular image file type used by online users around the world. In contrast to JPEG and JPG images, PNG images will retain their size and image quality throughout multiple saves. Alternatively, this file type will also produce images that are of a lower resolution than other popular image file types, making it more ideal for less prevalent pictures within an online website as opposed to printed images or high-resolution graphics. PNG is also an open format that has no copyright limitations or restrictions, in contrast to many other image file types.

Tagged Image File Format

Tagged image file format, also known as TIFF or TIFF, is an image format that is used specifically for high-quality graphics and pictures. As such, TIFF images are ideal for scanning documents within the context of business operations. To illustrate this point further, a business professional looking to create a training pamphlet for the purposes of onboarding a group of recently hired employees could use the TIFF file format to ensure that all of the graphics and images within the pamphlet are high-quality. On the other end of the spectrum, TIFF files are particularly larger than many other image file types, making them less ideal for images within an online website.

While the specific file formats that support the various types of images consumers see when browning their favorite website or viewing training materials during the course of their job may seem to be inconsequential at a glance, using the correct image file type when looking to complete a particular task can help said consumers avoid issues down the line. To this end, whenever an individual is faced with a scenario in which they are having trouble with a particular image, the file format that is being used should be considered first and foremost, as simply converting the image to another format, or making use of another file type altogether, will be enough to solve the problem in many cases.

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