AI, Real World Applications, New Software, and Tech
While the term artificial intelligence may elicit images of popular Hollywood movies such as The Terminator and The Matrix, artificial intelligence is currently being used to create various products and services that millions of consumers around the world make use of every day. As the application of artificial intelligence is predicated on a cross-disciplinary approach based in a number of domains, including mathematics, computer science, and linguistics, among others, the applications of artificial intelligence are endless. With this being said, many consumers within America are likely already utilizing some form of artificial when seeking to buy products, goods, and services.
Chatbots represent one of the most commonly used real-world applications of artificial intelligence in our current society today. Whether it be Apples Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, or Microsoft’s Cortana, the average American citizen has likely come into contact with some form of chatbot during the past five years. These chatbots function on the basis of speech recognition technology and natural language processing, allowing users of such software to perform a number of actions and tasks on their verbal command. From simple tasks such as making phone calls or checking local weather reports to more complex tasks such as booking transportation arrangements, the artificial intelligence embedded within Chatbots allows these devices to perform a wide variety of tasks and services.
Fraud detection in banks
Have you ever received a fraud alert when logging onto your bank account? In many cases, these fraud alerts are created by artificial intelligence-based software programs and systems. As machines can automatically detect and recognize patterns and anomalies within millions of numbers or other forms of data, many banks within the U.S. and around the world have taken to implementing AI for the purpose of reducing financial fraud. When these programs notice financial irregularities within a particular consumer’s account, they can automatically provide said consumer with notice, allowing them to take the necessary precautions and actions to ensure that their account is not compromised.
Smart homes
Smart homes devices represent another common real-world application of artificial intelligence. While smart locks and home security systems have become increasingly mainstream in recent years, there are a variety of smart devices that consumers can use to improve the functionality of their homes. Using such devices, consumers can do everything from providing additional security to their home or dwelling to saving money on energy bills as it relates to cooling and heating a commercial property or space. Irrespective of the particular kind of smart appliances, however, all of these devices are able to perform their respective functions due to the implementation of artificial intelligence.
Customer Support
As the internet has allowed people to access services at odd hours of the day or night, many businesses and organizations have turned to artificial intelligence for the purpose of providing their customers with an enhanced level of customer service. For example, many consumers will have utilized support bots when shopping for a particular brand or product. These support bots can provide customers with basic information such as a store’s hours, return policy, and current product availability, among other pertinent information. Through this application of artificial intelligence, businesses can effectively provide their customers with 24-hour customer service all around the world.
Another application of artificial intelligence that may be surprising to many consumers in agriculture. Through the implementation of artificial intelligence in the context of agricultural pursuits, farms can find new and innovative ways to protect their crops, gain a better understanding of market consumption, and identify climate changes that may lead to crop failure. What’s more, image recognition software programs can also be used to identify defects within a particular crop, in accordance with pictures taken of said crop. Through these image recognition software programs, farmers can then receive the analytics and information that is needed to deal with any identified defects within their crops.
A final application of article intelligence is in the protection of personal information and privacy. As many businesses and organizations will encounter the personal data of millions of individuals during the course of their respective operations, traditional methods of protecting personal privacy have proven to be inefficient due to the rise of internet communication. As such, automatic redaction software programs are one way in which business agencies can ensure that they safeguard the privacy of their clients and customers at all times. As these programs utilize artificial intelligence to automatically redact personally identifiable information from a wide range of file types, whether it be in the form of physical objects such as license plates, or written information such as phone numbers, businesses can also save valuable time and resources.
As technology continues to advance, devices, products, and services that utilize some form of artificial intelligence will likely continue to grow in frequency. In contrast to many popular media portrayals, these devices are designed to augment human intelligence as opposed to replacing human intelligence. From chatbots to bank fraud alerts, the implementation of artificial intelligence has proven to be beneficial to the functionality of various fields and industries. Through these forms of technology, human beings can automate numerous tasks that have historically been extremely arduous and time-consuming, ensuring that human labor is instead spent on pursuits that look toward the future.