Turkey’s Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698

Turkey’s Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698

Turkey’s Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, also known as the Data Protection Law for short, is a comprehensive data protection law that was passed in Turkey in 2016. Prior to the passing of the Data Protection Law, Turkey had yet to adopt any legislation related to the protection of data privacy rights. As such, Turkey sought to provide the citizens of their country with data protection rights on the same level as those offered by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To this end, the Data Protection Law outlines the various restrictions and responsibilities that data controllers must abide by when processing the personal data of Turkish citizens.

What is the scope and applicability of the Data Protection Law?

Unlike the General Data Protection Regulation, Turkey’s Data Protection Law does not contain any specific territorial scope. Alternatively, the Data Protection Law applies to:

In terms of the material scope of the law, the Data Protection Law defines personal data to mean “as an operation that is carried out on personal data such as collection, recording, storage, retention, alteration, re-organization, disclosure, transferring, taking over, making retrievable, classification, or preventing the use thereof, fully or partially through automatic or non-automatic means only for the process which is a part of any data registry system”. As such, any structured system that is used to facilitate the access to the personal data of Turkish citizens according to a specific criterion will fall under the scope of the Data Protection Law.

What are the requirements of Data controllers under the Data Protection Law?

As is the case with many other privacy laws around the world, the Data Protection Law establishes various data protection principles that data controllers must adhere to when processing the personal data of data subjects. These principles include:

What are the rights of data subjects under the Data Protection Law?

Under the Data Protection Law, data subjects are granted a variety of rights in accordance with the law. These rights include the following:

In terms of sanctions and penalties for non-compliance, data controllers who are found to be in violation are subject to a variety of punishments. These punishments include a prison sentence of six months to four years and administrative fines ranging from TRY 5,000 ($575) to TRY 1 million ($115,190), as well as the right for data subjects to claim compensation for the unlawful collections or processing of their personal data. What’s more, there are also sector-specific fines that can be levied against businesses and organizations who violate the law, which can include up to 3% of an agency’s calendar year’s net sales.

As Turkey was one of the many countries around the world that had yet to pass comprehensive data privacy legislation prior to the passing of the Data Protection Law in 2016, the law serves as a resource for the protection of the data privacy rights of Turkish citizens. As the goal was to provide Turkish citizens with the same level of data protection as is offered by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, Turkey’s Data Protection law provides steep punishments for data controllers who are found to be in non-compliance. To this end, the data protection rights of Turkish citizens can be protected at all costs.

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