A New Legal Basis for Data Processing in Mali

A New Legal Basis for Data Processing in Mali

Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data is a data protection law that was passed in Mali in 2013. In accordance with the recently passed Law No. 2019-056 of 5 December 2019 on the Repression of Cybercrime or the Cybercrime Law for short, Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data is the foremost means by which the personal data and privacy of Malian citizens are legally protected. To this end, Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data establishes the legal basis by which personal data may be collected or processed within Mali. Furthermore, the law also established the Malian data protection authority or APDP for the purposes of enforcing the law.

What is the scope and application of Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data?

The personal scope of Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data
applies to all collection or processing of personal data that is conducted by “state, local authorities, entities having legal personality, natural persons and private legal entities”. Alternatively, the territorial scope of the law applies to all personal data that is collected and processed within the country of Mali, as well as other areas in which Malian law applies, while the material scope of the law applies to all processing of personal data, with the following exceptions:

What are the obligations of data controllers and processors within Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data?

Under Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data, data collectors and processors operating within Mali are charged with the following obligations and responsibilities:

What are the rights of Malian citizens under Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data?

Under Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data, Malian citizens as afforded the following data protection and personal privacy rights:

What are the penalties for violating Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data?

Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data is enforced by the Malian data protection authority or APDP. As such, the APDP has the authority to impose a variety of monetary penalties and criminal sanctions against data controllers and processors who fail to adhere to the principles of the law. These punishments include:

While Law No. 2013-015 of 21 May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data does not provide many rights to Malian citizens that have become commonplace in many other privacy policies that have been passed around the world in recent years, the law nevertheless provides data protection for data subjects within Mali. As such, Law No. 2013-015 of 21, May 2013 on the Protection of Personal Data is one of the many comprehensive data privacy laws that have been passed in the continent of Africa in the past decade, including Egypt’s Data Protection Law and Togo’s Protection of Personal Data law. Through the passing of such laws, the web of data protection that exists within African countries continues to grow stronger.

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