CaseGuard Trademark Notice

CaseGuard maintains a portfolio of intellectual property, including trademarks and service marks, which protect the unique identity of our products and services. These marks, registered in the United States and other jurisdictions globally, represent the quality and innovation that CaseGuard consistently delivers. The absence of a specific trademark or logo from published lists does not constitute a waiver of CaseGuard’s rights to those assets.

Trademarks are essential to preserving CaseGuard’s brand integrity. They include words, logos, symbols, and distinctive design elements that enable customers to recognize our offerings. Proper usage of these trademarks is crucial; they must be used only as adjectives describing a product or service and not as standalone nouns, verbs, or possessive forms. Misuse or unauthorized use of CaseGuard’s trademarks may result in legal action, as we actively protect our intellectual property rights.

Below is a list of CaseGuard’s trademarks and their corresponding generic terms, providing guidance on how they should be referenced. To maintain the strength of our brand and avoid potential legal issues, we ask that these terms be used consistently and correctly in all communications.

CaseGuard’s Trademarks & Service MarksGeneric Terms
AI Redaction & Privacy for All™Company slogan
CaseGuard™Products, solutions, and services in a variety of industries
CaseGuard Investigate™Software
CaseGuard Studio™Software
Investigation Studio™Software
Redaction Studio™Software
CaseGuard Logo trademarkCaseGuard logo
CaseGuard logo and text trademarkCaseGuard + CaseGuard logo
CaseGuard-cglogo-slogan-trademarkCaseGuard + CaseGuard logo + Company slogan

For questions regarding CaseGuard’s trademarks or other intellectual property, please contact the Intellectual Property Legal Department at [email protected].