Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made on behalf of Finalcover LLC – CaseGuard Products pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Finalcover LLC has taken the measures described below to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business or any part of its supply chain.

Our Business

Finalcover LLC – CaseGuard Studio is a SASS product used by clients in law enforcement, healthcare, education, government, legal, retail, and transportation. CaseGuard Studio is the most powerful redaction software on the market. Designed to handle complex video, audio, images, and PDFs, CaseGuard makes it easy for users to automatically redact, transcribe, and translate sensitive data quickly and easily using the most recent algorithms in machine learning and artificial intelligence. We are located in the Washington DC area, USA, and our website is

We do not manufacture goods, operate factories, or handle raw materials or commodities. Our primary supply chain categories include technology, sales, and marketing.

Our Policies on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

At Finalcover LLC, we continue to raise awareness and educate our employees and supply chain through updates and communications about duties and responsibilities to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking. We strive to make ethical business choices to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking and will not knowingly support or deal with any business that engages in modern slavery or human trafficking.

Risk Assessment

Finalcover LLC – CaseGuard Products have taken the necessary steps towards confirming that slavery and human trafficking does not exist in any of its supply chains by including supply chain assessment, updating our human rights approach based on periodic assessments, raising awareness, as well as ongoing due diligence and monitoring over the coming years.

As part of our due diligence measures, we review potential clients before selling them our product to confirm that they are not knowingly or negligently supporting modern slavery or human trafficking.

Finalcover LLC – CaseGuard Products supply chain is low risk in terms of trafficking or forced labor measures. It is a software company that operates in North America, and its main audience is law enforcement, healthcare, education, and government agencies.


Finalcover LLC is committed to doing its part to develop an appropriate and effective response to prevent the exploitation and social injustices targeting the most vulnerable members of society. To this end, Finalcover LLC will continue to scrutinize its compliance and revise its assessment approach to better realize its goal of increasing transparency and influencing continuous improvements in its business and supply chain.


This statement will be reviewed and published annually. This Statement is for the financial year ended December 31, 2023.